LegalFast | Blog: What is markdown

What is markdown

Get a better understanding of the markdown format, that is used in the LegalFast process.

June 6, 2024
By the LegalFast team

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that simplifies the process of formatting text. It’s designed to be easy to read and write, making it an ideal choice for creating content that needs to be converted into HTML.

Why Use Markdown?


Markdown is straightforward and intuitive. You don’t need to memorize complex syntax; simple symbols like # for headers, * for bullet points, and []() for links are all you need.


Even without rendering, Markdown documents are readable. For example, a link in Markdown appears as [OpenAI](, which is much cleaner than HTML's <a href="">OpenAI</a>.


Markdown is versatile and widely supported. Whether you're writing for websites, documentation, notes, or blogs, Markdown can be converted into various formats including HTML, PDF, and more.

Key Elements of Markdown


Headers are created using #. The number of # symbols indicates the level of the header. For example: # for H1, ## for H2, and so on.


To italicize text, wrap it in * or _ (e.g., *italic* or _italic_). For bold text, use double * or _ (e.g., **bold** or __bold__).


Create unordered lists with *, -, or +. For ordered lists, simply use numbers followed by a period. For example: 1. Item one, 2. Item two.

Links and Images

Links are formatted as [link text](URL). Images use the same syntax but start with an exclamation mark: ![alt text](image URL).


For inline code, wrap text in backticks: `code`. For code blocks, use triple backticks before and after the code.


Markdown's simplicity, readability, and versatility make it an excellent tool for writing and formatting text. Whether you're a developer documenting code or a writer crafting blog posts, Markdown can help you focus on your content without getting bogged down by formatting complexities.